
My country USA

Kevin Qian

My country is USA.Currently,The USA is the powerest country in the world.

In the start of the World War I, USA did not participate. It just played the seller in the War. Firstly, The main reason of the WWI, Imperialist countries political and economic development imbalance, because the capitalist countries such as Germany after the second industrial revolution, military, economic, national strength enhanced greatly. Then Germany wanted to conquser the world. The country of Austro-Hungary invaded Serbia. Then Germany helped Austro-Hungary to conqusered Serbia. Beause the Russia was too close to Serbia. They knew the Goal of the Germany, so helped with Serbia and joined WWI. On the west front. The famous battle in verdun. It was called “Most devastating battle”. 1 million people Casualty. USA just supplied the weapon, goods, materials to France and british. The U.S was very smart. They only need to wait the gain from the War. Until almost end the war. Germany new submarine U-Boat sank the British liner Lusitania in 1915,with 128 Americans. And the Germany send a confidential to Mexico and invited them to joined the war. Unfortunately, The US stolen the confidential. And US joined the entente countries. In order to protect U.S. investors and the federal government's substantial investment in Europe is one of the main reason for America's war.Let the entente got victory in the World War I.

After the World War I, especially, the USA was the biggest winner in the war. They developed the domestic economic and gradually stronge in the World. During the World War II. The USA use the same method. They did not enter the War in the start, just became a providor and supply the material and weapon to the western European countries while they researching and studying the nuclear weapon. The project name’s manhattan project.The time was almost end the war. Then on the pacific ocean Japan attacked the Pearl Harbour. This event that US real joined the WWII. And US successful study of atom bomb. In Augest 6,1945. The first atom bomb by human being bombing in Hiroshima, It caused hundred and forty thousand people died. Then in Augest 8,1945. US were bombing the second atom bomb in Nagasaki. End of the war, The original Big countries such like Britain, France and German. They during the WWI and WWII were cause side-effect. They cannot be at a stalemate with US. US got the gain from them. US rapid developed economic and become the one of the biggest and strongest chounty.


After WWI and WWII, the time entered post war. The mainly countries were US and USSR. NATO and Warsaw pact the establishment of international organizations, and marks the official start of the military confrontation, both sides in the form of the cold war. The mainly change in the world was Soviet Union dissolution. The mian reason was One-party rule, or bright or dark purges, often in two post-war pursues power chauvinism, especially the invasion of Afghanistan in the 80 s, but also caused a scandal in the world, the armed occupation of Hungary, and so on. In fact, the Soviet union has lost the support of the socialist bloc countries. Economically, starting from the Soviet union was founded, the country's center of gravity in the industry, due to the start of the cold war after WWII, make the economic system of the Soviet union more extreme, industry are almost for military service, people's food and clothing problems frequently occur, combined with European and American capitalist countries economic offensive, the disintegration of the Soviet economy in before has virtually collapsed, gorbachev's reforms just let this contradiction.Militarily, the Soviet union and the United States great consumes the national strength of the cold war, the Soviet union's military is not on democracy, but in the suppression of democratic and invasion of other countries. Against Yugoslavia, and China have deteriorated and chauvinist ideology overflow, the failure of the war in Afghanistan has hit the Soviet power.


And the mainly exist super power country only US. The socialism became falsely naught.At present,the capitalism mostly is extant in the word. In 1990’s the united state of America developed the economic and internet. 1990s during the Southeastern Asia had internet bubble influence of US.The Internet bubble is just people expect too much in the early period of the Internet, and then industrial confidence disappeared, the period of decline.Let US have a straight decrease, but currently, US still the super power country.












World War II

1)As a British citizen what are eight things you could do to contribute to the war effect.
The people worked with company, some people till in the fellow. The another things is the government of England spread massage to their citizen. The people will not spread out the country. The other countries' people did not know what happened in the country.

2)Choose three posters that you really liked and explain why they were effective propaganda poster.

The health is the most important thing in the British citizen. The British children have to take milk very day. And the people needed to have vegetable a lot.The British people really care for their health. The balanced nutrition.

3)World War II was considered a total war --- from what we have discussed in class and what you have learned by looking at there posters explain how this war would qualify as a total war?

The World War II was the biggest War in the World. The World Battle have new divides. It was not like WW I . The WW I only limit in Europe, but the WW II it was war in the globe. And WW II had a lot of new weapens. The weapens had big power., like nuclear bomb. A lot of people died in the WW II.


The fifth day in D.C

Today is a nice day.and we would come back and end of our D.C trip! In the morning, we go to baltimore!It is beautiful harbor. We visited the aquarism. It is nice. A lot of living being in there,The most let me interesting is sharks. I like shark! Because it is cold blood! And after met aquarium,we went to airport! And came back!


The forth day in D.C

Today was rain day,we weak up early! And get dress then went to church for mass! Today I saw the biggest mass in my life! A lot of believer participated the mass! I saw the old priest conducted the normal direction during the mass! And then after the mass we visited the church! The consent was about the history and root of the church! The church was very dignity and palatial! I like the style of the church! It's different between the Florida's church! It's like European. Afternoon, we went to the China town and Hung out it! We had lots of fun!


The third day in D.C

Today,we wreaked up late, then we ate breakfast and went to the White House.It's very nice house! But I saw a lot of police in around the house. I though they broke the peace of the house! Although the house is palatial. But I do not like this live! After meet White House we go to the a small town! We saw the sight in the town! And we go to the old town too! It's awesome and funny day! Especially it is free day! Evening,my friend Max's birthday! We were eating dinner on the hotel! It's sweet!


D.C second day

Today we got up early,7:30 we set out to go to U.S Capitol. The Capitol is very palatial. We took some picture with Capitol. The Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. We got on the Capitol, first we saw a documentary in the theatre. Then we visit inside of Capitol. Some famous statue of president is is stand there. And some oil painting is in the top. Then we went to the Ford's Theatre National Historic Site and a man talked about the assassinated of Lincoln.and his house and holocaust museum. And we saw Obama's cars through out in my eye. It's funny day!


D.C The first day

First day,we hang out some museum. In the morning,we started in Tomb of the Unknown.We saw some soldiers lifted the gun and walked straight for the unknown soldier funeral. Then we saw a lot of unknown graves. I don like this. It is scared.then the bus sent us to the air space museum. We ate McDonald then visit the museum. Then we met the Lincoln Memorial. The memorial, designed by Henry Bacon, after ancient Greek temples, stand 190 feet Long, 119 feet wide, and almost 100 feet high. It is very high. We take the picture for all sophomore of chinese.
I like the. Picture. After this we go to see some park of Korea war. A lot of people was died in the war. So I hope world peace. After that the bus pick us up to the hotel.