
笔记 来自 100–146 E Florida Ave 在 墨尔本

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笔记 来自 100–146 E Florida Ave 在 墨尔本

                                                        Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century schism with Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestance.

The Martin Luther is the major person in Protestant Reformation. He was a German monk,priest professor.He oppose the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be punishment with money.He throught the christian is Holy. It could not use money or gain.
He announce the Ninety-Five These.That's Theses definitely wrote the Protestant Reformation contents.Like used money to got holy christ. The paragraph is including Martin Luther opposed suggestions.He spreaded his opposed suggestions.He throught used money not really baptism and absolution.But the king refuse him spreaded the Ninety-five These.

His reformation let Rurope left the Darkness period.The European has two classes.the royal class and the peasantry class.Conduct the Protestant Reformation.In Europe emerge the new  class------middle class.

The Protestant Reformation impacted the art of the Europe.Let artists and printer change their ideas.Before the Protestant Reformation their works's topic were Lord and king.But after the Protestant Reformation,all works topic was free.The Protestant Reformation also impacted the music. Many musician change their idea.They recover their music.

Use the another way to recognize the Protestant Reformation.The Protestant Reformation release the people's mind.Let people use the new view to see the world.That from ideologically lay the foundation for people to accept the new political possible.The martian Luther throught the Pope not lead in Christian,the Christ is the top lead.the Protestant Reformation is impacted the European the industrial revolution.


笔记 / 926 Black Coral Ave NW

From Evernote:

笔记 / 926 Black Coral Ave NW

I think the Renaissance is started in Italy. Because the Renaissance is dark ages.The people of Europe were cling to the power of church to hold them together. First of all,Italy is the center of the Europe. Italy is belong to Roman empire.This is the first reason.The another reason is that in 14 century. Italy is rich. People had goal. People pressure the high quality life.So the Renaissance is started in Italy,not another country.


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