
The forth day in D.C

Today was rain day,we weak up early! And get dress then went to church for mass! Today I saw the biggest mass in my life! A lot of believer participated the mass! I saw the old priest conducted the normal direction during the mass! And then after the mass we visited the church! The consent was about the history and root of the church! The church was very dignity and palatial! I like the style of the church! It's different between the Florida's church! It's like European. Afternoon, we went to the China town and Hung out it! We had lots of fun!


The third day in D.C

Today,we wreaked up late, then we ate breakfast and went to the White House.It's very nice house! But I saw a lot of police in around the house. I though they broke the peace of the house! Although the house is palatial. But I do not like this live! After meet White House we go to the a small town! We saw the sight in the town! And we go to the old town too! It's awesome and funny day! Especially it is free day! Evening,my friend Max's birthday! We were eating dinner on the hotel! It's sweet!


D.C second day

Today we got up early,7:30 we set out to go to U.S Capitol. The Capitol is very palatial. We took some picture with Capitol. The Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. We got on the Capitol, first we saw a documentary in the theatre. Then we visit inside of Capitol. Some famous statue of president is is stand there. And some oil painting is in the top. Then we went to the Ford's Theatre National Historic Site and a man talked about the assassinated of Lincoln.and his house and holocaust museum. And we saw Obama's cars through out in my eye. It's funny day!


D.C The first day

First day,we hang out some museum. In the morning,we started in Tomb of the Unknown.We saw some soldiers lifted the gun and walked straight for the unknown soldier funeral. Then we saw a lot of unknown graves. I don like this. It is scared.then the bus sent us to the air space museum. We ate McDonald then visit the museum. Then we met the Lincoln Memorial. The memorial, designed by Henry Bacon, after ancient Greek temples, stand 190 feet Long, 119 feet wide, and almost 100 feet high. It is very high. We take the picture for all sophomore of chinese.
I like the. Picture. After this we go to see some park of Korea war. A lot of people was died in the war. So I hope world peace. After that the bus pick us up to the hotel.


Extra cradit for Lenin's

Lenin‘s remain should be display,because Lenin is greatest politician, ideologist. He was communism founder.He had contribution of Russia. He overthrow the imperialism,and get the Communism party in the Soviet Union. He should be put in the crystal coffin permanent. The another reason is he  is leader.If Russia did not have him. Maybe Russia still is empire.In addition, the remain keep in the crystal coffin.The chountry will cost a lot of money to keep it up.That's important,it is waste money. But he is special-----Greatest Leader.
Personally, I think show the remain,and let everybody watch it, it is bad idea.Because the remain need to be buried. Everybody want to go to heaven. If use religious way to explain it that a person was died, He/She need to be interred. So different way have different explaination.

Russia Revolution Time Line

These item some of them reflect the Russia Revolution.Some of them was connected the Revolution. Like Russia enters World War I promote the Revolution conduct and the War Communism was influence the Revoution. The Soveit Union Turn Capitalism to Communism. The Lenin was the effectot of the Communism War.The Russia Revolution totallity was successful. But I think still fail.Because Russia turn to the Communism. But the Communism did not fit Soviet Union. And finally, Russia still fail the Revolution.But only successed they
toppled tsar.