
World War II

1)As a British citizen what are eight things you could do to contribute to the war effect.
The people worked with company, some people till in the fellow. The another things is the government of England spread massage to their citizen. The people will not spread out the country. The other countries' people did not know what happened in the country.

2)Choose three posters that you really liked and explain why they were effective propaganda poster.

The health is the most important thing in the British citizen. The British children have to take milk very day. And the people needed to have vegetable a lot.The British people really care for their health. The balanced nutrition.

3)World War II was considered a total war --- from what we have discussed in class and what you have learned by looking at there posters explain how this war would qualify as a total war?

The World War II was the biggest War in the World. The World Battle have new divides. It was not like WW I . The WW I only limit in Europe, but the WW II it was war in the globe. And WW II had a lot of new weapens. The weapens had big power., like nuclear bomb. A lot of people died in the WW II.


The fifth day in D.C

Today is a nice day.and we would come back and end of our D.C trip! In the morning, we go to baltimore!It is beautiful harbor. We visited the aquarism. It is nice. A lot of living being in there,The most let me interesting is sharks. I like shark! Because it is cold blood! And after met aquarium,we went to airport! And came back!