
笔记 来自 100–146 E Florida Ave 在 墨尔本

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笔记 来自 100–146 E Florida Ave 在 墨尔本

                                                        Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century schism with Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestance.

The Martin Luther is the major person in Protestant Reformation. He was a German monk,priest professor.He oppose the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be punishment with money.He throught the christian is Holy. It could not use money or gain.
He announce the Ninety-Five These.That's Theses definitely wrote the Protestant Reformation contents.Like used money to got holy christ. The paragraph is including Martin Luther opposed suggestions.He spreaded his opposed suggestions.He throught used money not really baptism and absolution.But the king refuse him spreaded the Ninety-five These.

His reformation let Rurope left the Darkness period.The European has two classes.the royal class and the peasantry class.Conduct the Protestant Reformation.In Europe emerge the new  class------middle class.

The Protestant Reformation impacted the art of the Europe.Let artists and printer change their ideas.Before the Protestant Reformation their works's topic were Lord and king.But after the Protestant Reformation,all works topic was free.The Protestant Reformation also impacted the music. Many musician change their idea.They recover their music.

Use the another way to recognize the Protestant Reformation.The Protestant Reformation release the people's mind.Let people use the new view to see the world.That from ideologically lay the foundation for people to accept the new political possible.The martian Luther throught the Pope not lead in Christian,the Christ is the top lead.the Protestant Reformation is impacted the European the industrial revolution.


笔记 / 926 Black Coral Ave NW

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笔记 / 926 Black Coral Ave NW

I think the Renaissance is started in Italy. Because the Renaissance is dark ages.The people of Europe were cling to the power of church to hold them together. First of all,Italy is the center of the Europe. Italy is belong to Roman empire.This is the first reason.The another reason is that in 14 century. Italy is rich. People had goal. People pressure the high quality life.So the Renaissance is started in Italy,not another country.


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相机胶卷 来自 926 Black Coral Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

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相机胶卷 来自 926 Black Coral Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

                                                                 Albrecht Durer
Name: Melancholia
Where was it print:Germany
Where is this located:Staatliche Kunsthalle

Albrecht Dürer :was a German painter, printmaker, mathematician, and theorist from Nuremberg. His prints established his reputation across Europe when he was still in his twenties, and he has been conventionally regarded as the greatest artist of the Northern Renassience ever since. His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings.He like took the trip.He has been a lot of country.Netherlands, Italy etc. He lived German.

           Melencolia I is a 1514 engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Duer. It is an allegorical composition which has been the subject of many interpretations. One of the most famous old master print,it has sometimes been regarded as forming one of a conscious group of Meisterstiche ("master prints") with his Knight Death and the Devil(1513) and Saint Jerome in his study (1514).
 I think delicate is the most important reason about this print.

1) The tools of geometry and architecture surround the figure,unused
2)The 4 times 4 magic square,with the two middle cells of the bottom row giving the date of the engraving:1514. This 4 times 4 magic square, as having traditional magic square rule,it's four quadrant,corners and centers equal the same number,34'which happens to belong to the Fibonacci sequence.                                                               3)The truncated rhombohedron with a faint human skull on it. This shape is now known as Durers solid; over the years, there have been numerous articles disputing the precise shape of this polyhedron                                                                                                                       4)The hourglass showing time running out.                                                                                5)The empty scale (balance)                                                                                               6)despondent winged figure of genius.                                                                                      7)The purse and keys.                                                                                                               8)The beacon and rainbow in the sky.                                                                              9)Mathematical knowledge is referenced by the use of the symbols: compass, geometrical solid, magic square, scale, hourglass.

相机胶卷 来自 926 Black Coral Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

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相机胶卷 来自 926 Black Coral Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

                                                                 Albrecht Durer
Name: Melancholia
Where was it print:Germany
Where is this located:Staatliche Kunsthalle

Albrecht Dürer :was a German painter, printmaker, mathematician, and theorist from Nuremberg. His prints established his reputation across Europe when he was still in his twenties, and he has been conventionally regarded as the greatest artist of the Northern Renassience ever since. His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings.He like took the trip.He has been a lot of country.Netherlands, Italy etc. He lived German.

           Melencolia I is a 1514 engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Duer. It is an allegorical composition which has been the subject of many interpretations. One of the most famous old master print,it has sometimes been regarded as forming one of a conscious group of Meisterstiche ("master prints") with his Knight Death and the Devil(1513) and Saint Jerome in his study (1514).
 I think delicate is the most important reason about this print.

1) The tools of geometry and architecture surround the figure,unused
2)The 4 times 4 magic square,with the two middle cells of the bottom row giving the date of the engraving:1514. This 4 times 4 magic square, as having traditional magic square rule,it's four quadrant,corners and centers equal the same number,34'which happens to belong to the Fibonacci sequence.                                                               3)The truncated rhombohedron with a faint human skull on it. This shape is now known as Durers solid; over the years, there have been numerous articles disputing the precise shape of this polyhedron                                                                                                                       4)The hourglass showing time running out.                                                                                5)The empty scale (balance)                                                                                               6)despondent winged figure of genius.                                                                                      7)The purse and keys.                                                                                                               8)The beacon and rainbow in the sky.                                                                              9)Mathematical knowledge is referenced by the use of the symbols: compass, geometrical solid, magic square, scale, hourglass.


笔记 来自 926 Black Coral Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

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笔记 来自 926 Black Coral Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

During the Renaissance.I am a merchant. I employee many worker help me to establish a company.Unfortunately,I encountered a plague. A lot of people have the plague.This people including my employee.My company had to close.The midst of sadness.I got some money.
This money is my grandfather's  heritage.I used this money to recovered my company.And I work with my employee. And recovered the company.And I work hard every day with the Italian economy Rotary trend.And my company also slowly start making money.Since then,my life started off rich.And began the pursuit of luxury.


笔记 来自 921 Gannet Ave NW 在 棕榈湾

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I read your information about Machiaceil.I know a person,he is chinese.His name is Bo Xilai. He has now is a communist party members.Because of his Machiavellian.He was expelled the party.He want the hegemonic control of the china.He Villian from a governor,slowly expanding fores.But enventually the Chinese party to repression.I agree that it is better to be feared than loved?In the end he justify.But by the sanctions of the communist party of China.



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  I'm a warrior. I heard have a big Mock game in Japan.I want to go there.

This map is period Heian in Japan

  In 930 C.E.I am a boy.One day. I saw somebody brought the a double-edged sword and walked on the Avenue.It is very cool.when in this time.I love a double-edged sword.So I decided to learn kendo in tample.
  I stay in tample 25 years old.When I 30years old.I have already mastered the kendo.In 960 C.E I heard   have a Mock game in Japan.So I implicate by myself. One day morning.I go to the Japan by ship.I spent 5 days on the way.Then I arrived heian.The heian is very beautiful
City.I go to downtown.The game is playing.
I was very exciting.I quickly went to the stage.Then I saw a tall and stronge man is opposite to you.I had a little shock.And I found some official in the right corner.Morever,I had a little nervous.After all this is my first match.
  Go through the 200. In the end, I beat him.He dropped his knee.And he was very sorrowful.And he want to seppuku.Because he is the best warrior in the Japan.I beat him.He thought this is very lose face.So he choose seppuku.

I thought this is a tragedy.




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Clipped from: http://translate.google.com/
I want to go to the the Tang'Dynasty.This Dynasty is located in east Asia.At present this dynasty is located in China.

  In 732CE.I'm Blacksmith.I have own smithy on chang'an downtown.
  Originally,I live a quiet life,but a minister threatened me inside a bad thing.He bribes me.
The minister has found a gold,but he was not submitted to the treasury.He want a piece of gold into his own.He wants the processing of gold and made a huge golden bowl.Although I know that this is illegal,he is minister,emperor of the people around.I'm not easily offended.So I accept his bribe.
  So I gave him every day processing golden bowl.But the heart is still extreme fear.On Payouytian emperor knows I do illegal things.

  Until one day,I'm working while Some guards come in my smithy and move the golden bowl out,and also I was also I was taken away.I was a blank mind.They direct me to a prison in the palace.I know that made bowl things have been known .I think they will kill me.
 I stay in prison some days.A minister to go inside to come.He said:I will let you as long as you said his crimes.Helpness,I can only crimes I told the minister every one of them said.
Then he has gone back on its words. Say you are in big trouble.Then he went away.I feel I am will be dead, so I changed my idea.I am prepared jailbreak.
I found a skylight at the top of the prison.I intend to climb out from there. After a few days I'll Since sunroof climb out.And then quickly leave the kingdom.Fled seclusion up.Like Jin dynasty poet Tao.Too leisurely life every day.



Kumbi Saleh

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Kumbi Saleh

  I want to go to Kumbi Saleh empire.This empire is located in west Africa.In current countury is Mauritania.The Kumbi Saleh's capital is Mauritania.

  In 1000AD. I am a merchant.I heard in Koumbi Saleh has lots of wealth.So I took the ship to go to a town.This town is Ghana.This place is very rich. I just arrived this place.I know this place the most famous is goal,so I prepare for seek the golden hill.In 1year. I find a golden hill.Consequently I mined the golden hill.And I prepare for a big trade.
  When I were mining the gold.This Empire's ruler want taxation .He want had a powerful Empire.But the Merchants feel the burden.The taxation is very serious.let some merchant give up this occupation.But I did not abandon.I want the ruler give me a fair law.
  One day.I went to the royal palace.The king live this palace every day.But the 
king did not in there.I am very disappointed.The another day I went there again.But the king did not in palace.The third time I went again.The king seated the highest area? Some knight stand on both side.Then I ask 3 question to the king.First question is "why would you give a serious taxation?".The second question is "what is merchants gain?".The last question is"how would you change the law?".When I finished my request.King did not move and did not say anymore.Suddenly,the knight would kill me.I turned round and ran away.Some knight caught me.but he did not.
  I thought in this empire did not to earn money.So I came back.




I choose this article:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umayyad_Caliphate

I think the Syrian conflict effect the historical site in Damascus .Syria occurrence of a large-scale war, will affect some of the historical monuments in Syria.War can be put the tall buildings razed to the ground.Will also undermine calendar Antiquities.I think it's bad.