
Kumbi Saleh

From Evernote:

Kumbi Saleh

  I want to go to Kumbi Saleh empire.This empire is located in west Africa.In current countury is Mauritania.The Kumbi Saleh's capital is Mauritania.

  In 1000AD. I am a merchant.I heard in Koumbi Saleh has lots of wealth.So I took the ship to go to a town.This town is Ghana.This place is very rich. I just arrived this place.I know this place the most famous is goal,so I prepare for seek the golden hill.In 1year. I find a golden hill.Consequently I mined the golden hill.And I prepare for a big trade.
  When I were mining the gold.This Empire's ruler want taxation .He want had a powerful Empire.But the Merchants feel the burden.The taxation is very serious.let some merchant give up this occupation.But I did not abandon.I want the ruler give me a fair law.
  One day.I went to the royal palace.The king live this palace every day.But the 
king did not in there.I am very disappointed.The another day I went there again.But the king did not in palace.The third time I went again.The king seated the highest area? Some knight stand on both side.Then I ask 3 question to the king.First question is "why would you give a serious taxation?".The second question is "what is merchants gain?".The last question is"how would you change the law?".When I finished my request.King did not move and did not say anymore.Suddenly,the knight would kill me.I turned round and ran away.Some knight caught me.but he did not.
  I thought in this empire did not to earn money.So I came back.



